Electrical Wiring Problems 101
Do you have an electrical problem that needs to be resolved? Read this article to learn about some of the most frequent electrical issues and how to solve them.
Fuse Boxes
Fuse boxes, such as the one shown above, are less popular than circuit...
The Benefits of Energy Efficient Appliances
Of course, there are lots of big and small changes you can make to your home that will save on electricity like upgrading to energy efficient appliances or installing solar panels. At ACCL Electrical we know that energy efficient appliances...
Light bulbs that continuously
burn out for no apparent reason can become a very frustrating electrical
problem for many people. Typically, most incandescent light bulbs have a
lifespan of around 900 hours equaling to 4 months. Of course, your light bulbs
life span depends on how long your light...
Lowering Your Electricity Bill
Most people are spending extra money on their electricity bill that could have been saved by making a few simple changes. In this article we have provided some easy tips to follow for conserving electricity and lowering your electrical bill.
Conserving Electricity Tips:
How to keep your home warm in the Winter
Winter usually means possible snow fall, a severe drop in temperature, and an unfortunate spike in the electrical bill. The question that’s on everyone’s mind is “is it possible to keep a home warm during the winter...
Top 5 Fall Safety Tips
As the days get shorter and the trees change color it can only mean that fall is near. This change in weather patterns and temperature can bring new challenges to electrical safety around the household. At Accl Electrical we want you...
How do motion sensor lights work?
Motion sensor lights are becoming an increasingly popular security measure in both commercial business buildings and residential homes. Motion sensor lights work by detecting infrared heat waves that can be found on moving objects. To ensure that the sensors are...