14 Mar Surge Protectors -How does it work?
Surge Protectors -How does it work?
Surge protectors can help protect your home from sudden bursts of voltages that could damage electrical devices. At ACCL Electrical, we want to increase your knowledge of the importance of using surge protectors in your home.

What are power surges?
Power surges are voltage spikes/increases in a home or buildings electrical current. Surges can be caused by faulty wiring, lightning, and high powered electrical devices. Surges are typically very brief lasting less then a thousandth of a second and can cause damages to your electrical system along with the devices connected to it. Most homes can experience over 300 potentially damaging electrical surges in a year, hence making it extremely important to invest in surge protectors.
How do surge protectors work?
Surge protectors are specifically designed to help protect electronics from spikes and surges. Surge protectors work to protect electronics from power surges by pulling electrical currents from one outlet in order to pass them through the electrical devices plugged into the surge protector. Surge protectors have a metal oxide varistor (MOV), which is designed to divert extra voltage in order to deliver a consistent level of power across all devices and if the voltages levels are to low, it will create a higher resistance. The MOV works by indicating high levels of voltage and reducing the resistance.
What you can do?
If there is excess electrical flow, the electricity could jump to a nearby person and seriously injure them. By installing surge protectors you eliminate surges and spikes from happening. Choosing which devices should be connected to the protector can be a difficult decision to make, you will have to consider how important your device is as well as how sensitive its components may be.

Even the smallest power surge is capable of causing a multitude of problems. Guard your home and re-assure yourself and your family that you are prepared to combat any and all electrical anomalies.
Rely On Our Licensed Electrician Experts!
Want to learn more? Or Have any questions regarding the benefits of surge protectors? or interested in our other electrical services? ACCL Electrical has all the answers! Please visit out contact page for your free estimate today! Or call us at 416-759- 8567, 905-448-5909, 1-866-701-8484.
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